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John Marshall Drug Free Club

You may use this page to pay for JM Drug Free Club Membership.  You must also complete the membership form here.   Both the membership form and payment must be received to become an active member of the club.

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Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: What is the purpose of Drug Free Club?

 A: To put it simply, our mission is to make the right choice easy.  We gain membership through drug free students, reward their good choices, and arm them with effective prevention tools to keep them on the right track. 

 Q: How much club time is required of members?

 A: DFC members will have the ability to attend monthly meetings where speakers will be scheduled, incentives planned, and community involvement opportunities organized. 

 Q: How long does a drug test take and when are they administered?

A: About as long as a typical bathroom break.  All students will be subject to an initial drug screening as a requirement of membership.  This typically will be scheduled in September.  Throughout the remainder of the year, students will be subject to three to four random screenings. All screenings will be completed by trained laboratory technicians through our partnership with WVU Reynolds Memorial Hospital.  *

 Q: Are test results given on site?

A: NO. Not to students, not to peers, and not to schools.  The testing process is extremely confidential, and we are very sensitive to the unique challenges that come with testing in schools.  If a screen should test positive, parents will receive a letter through the mail, as well as the members’ primary care physician.  The letter will discuss the result, and options for returning the student to a healthy lifestyle.  John Marshall High School will NOT be informed of a positive screen, therefore there will not be any disciplinary actions through the administration of John Marshall High School. *If a student refuses to participate during a screening event, school advisors will contact a parent/guardian.  

 Q: What if a student takes prescription medication?

A: If any substance is detected, a letter will be sent via WVU Reynolds Memorial Hospital to the parents of the member. Due to HIPPA standards, a letter will also be sent to the member’s primary care physician. Accompanying the letter will be information relating to support and counseling opportunities available to the member if needed.  These services are not mandatory. They are in place to assist families if they so choose.

Q: What does the annual membership fee cover?

A: All members will receive a JMHS Drug Free t-shirt.  With the remaining funds generated, students will have opportunities to attend incentive trips and be entered for random gift card and prize drawings.  All students will also receive a “goodie” bag filled with treats and literature after participation during a screening event. 

*All screenings are paid for by Marshall County Schools.

Call Mika Ward at 304-843-4444 or email at, with any questions.

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