Career in Education
Education Studies are ideal for students who are either interested in teaching or in an education rated field. Classes are open to any student in 11th and 12th grade.

Education students study how people learn and how to best teach them. Classes cover such topics as education psychology, school health, safety issues, and planning of classroom activities. You'll develop your talents into skills every teacher needs. you will find out how you set up and manage a classroom, design and teach inspiring lessons, and help students to succeed.
Classes Available
Teacher- Mrs. Williams
11th grade and 12th Grade
Intro to Education and the Classroom/ Intro to child Development (2 period block)
Secondary Literacy Awareness/ Teacher Preparation Experience (2 period block)

Teaching Experience
Student teaching or field experience is a critical component of a students journey towards becoming an educator. In a students, teaching experience, a student applies the knowledge and skills gained through their coursework in the real work- world setting.
Dress code
Student teaching dress code will vary slightly from the school to school. Teacher candidates are not only representing themselves but their entire institution. Students are urged to dress professionally and consequently.